Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wherein Mrs. Comstock Engages in Frills

Choose one question to write about:

1.  Elnora wonders if it is her new clothes that make people treat her so well at the new school.  by the end of this chapter, she is firmly in "the Crowd."  How do we become part of our crowd today? 

2.  What do you think of the descriptions of food in this chapter?  WEre they eating good back then?   Is this enough food for Elnora to walk 3 miles on?  Kids who bring their lunch today have nearly nothing inside that is homemade.  Should we try to send more homemade items?


Since this book was written, many laws and government agencies have been created to prevent cases like Billy's.  If these had existed at the time of Elnora, would it still have been Elnora's responsibility to take care of Billy?  Are we better people for having created the agencies for child welfare or are we colder now and unwilling to take care of kids on the street?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Wherein the Sintons are Disappointed and Kate learns she can Laugh

In this chapter, Wes informs kate that everyone is selling of the timber of the Limberlost and she might as well, too.  He threatens to tell Elnora aobut her rights to the money in the land. 

a) Should Kate sell off the timber?  Does Kate want to preserve the swamp for the sake of nature or for anoher reason?
b) Could Kate help laughing?  Is this part of her sickness or part of a recovery?

Indiana Final Exam Thursday, Dec. 20

50 Questions covering the scope of the semester

  1. Girl of the Limberlost (Ch 1-6)
  2. How a City Founded to Make Money Made it (ch. 4-10)
  3. Very Important People of Indiana - Review Guess Who
  4. Reading an Indiana map
  5. Internet Research: Questions from Which Way USA: Indiana

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Missing Work

Missing Work is due Friday, Dec. 14:
  1. Check the blog and your google drive to find missing work.  
  2. If you need any other missing work from first grading period, you must request this by Dec. 10.  
  3. None of these assignments will be accepted after Friday, December 14. 
  4. For extraordinary circumstances, you will be given alternative assignments. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wherein Elnora meets the Bird Woman

Elnora has two pieces of good luck in this chapter.  She gets a jub and finds out how she can get her textbooks cheap.  At the end of the chapter, she is wondering what to tell her mother ?  Is it Elnora's duty to help her mother pay the taxes on the farm?  Do you think the Comstock's are poor?

Wherein Wesley and Margaret go shopping

What effect will Margaret's talk have on the mean girl?  Do you think if people just knew a little more about each other that we'd be nicer?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wherein Elnora Goes to School and Learns Many Things Not Found in Her Lessons

Elnora leaves for school after her mother berates her about wanting to go to school.  Elnora knows where the school is, but nothing else.  She is having to ask everyone where to go and how it works.  She does beautifully on an algebra problem in class despite another classmate sabotaging her answer.  On her way home, she meets her kind and loving neighbors who vow to help her.  She does not want to take their charity.  She confronts her mother about tuition and cost of books and demands her mother loan her the money and she swears that somehow she will pay her back, do her chores and rise from this struggle. 

Elnora is sabotaged by the same girl she has an encounter with in the hall.  This starts when Elnora asks where the Freshmen go (about page 7).  What do you think of this exchange?  What would you have done if you were Elnora?  Use comments button below to answer. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Girl of the Limberlost

Today we start a unit on discovering what was great, not great, same, and different about Indiana in the time of Gene Stratton-Porter.  Here is a link to the Indiana State Park dedicated to her:

Housekeeping Things to remember: 
  1. There is a text version of The Girl of the Limberlost on your EVSC GOOGLE drive.
  2. There is a Kindle for PC version that you can attach to your Amazon account.
  3. Here are QR codes with links to go to Project Gutenberg's site on the book.  You can find all sorts of eBook formats, including  mp3/iTunes AUDIO versions where you can listen to the book instead of, or while, you read it. (Use your smart device with a free QR reader app to download the book or mp3 file.) 
  Book    Audio

4. We need milk jugs, egg cartons, shoeboxes, and especially cardboard canisters (Quaker Oats or Morton Salt containers) to make Pinhole cameras and bird feeders. 

5. We will be using suggestions and materials from this lesson plan:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ch. 9 McCurdy and Ch 10 Automobiles

These chapters relate how McCurdy came to town and in a big way helped to shape the industry of Evansville, namely Buggy manufacturing.  Just as canals were replaced by railroads, buggies were replaced by automobiles.  You have a .pdf version of this book on your EVSC gmail/GOOGLE Drive. 

Instead of comprehension questions, tell me what you leaned in these chapters by using the Big 5 questions.  Do the Big 5 for each chapter, 10 points EACH. 

The Big Five
1.      What prior knowledge do I have about this topic?
2.     What are the main events in chronological order?
3.     How can I summarize this story?
4.     What are three supporting details from the story?
5.  What can I infer that the author didn’t tell me?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Ch. 8 the River

You may either answer the questions below or complete the GIIST form.

1. What were some of the problems with shipping goods down the Ohio river?
2. Who hired the company who built the river terminal at Evansville?  What was his regular job?
3. Right after the dedication of the Mead Johnson terminal, a national calamity struck.  What was it?
4. Who was Boehne and what did it to about the problem with the flow of the river?
5. The wharfboat once helped deliver goods to the shore from ships too big to dock.  Long after it was no longer needed, the owners fought in court to maintain its monopoly.  How did Evansville finally get rid of it?
6. Compared to the Panama Canal, how much did Evansville take in trade?
7. What was the flood stage at Evansville for years?  A crest is the highest point in a river flooding before it begins to drop.  What did the flood crest at in 1937?  Should the flood have been prevented?  How could it have been prevented?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ch. 7 Rise and Fall of David James Mackey

1.  Read the chapter and answer the comprehension questions. 60%
2.  Write a summary of the chapter following the GIST guidelines. 20%.
3.  Create 5 questions about information you want to know more about. 20%.

Comprehension questions:
What was Mackey doing at the age of 14?
What types of businesses did Mackey invest in to become Evansville's first millionaire?  (Hint)
What was the "Straight Line"?
Why does Mt. Vernon owe Mackey for its industrial production?
Here is a link to a picture of the Grand Theatre, what does Mackey have to do with it?
What are the two reasons Mackey went bankrupt at age 66 in 1900?
On p. 40, the story lists 6 different products that Evansville excelled at making.  Which one do you think has had the most lasting effect on Evansville and why?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

How a city founded to make money made it.

After lunch, we will study a new chapter each class period. Here is the rubric for choosing your grade for this assignment. There will be 3 tasks available for each chapter. The tasks are not group assignments, but are structured to build each student's skills. To be blunt, answers must be your own work and not copied. First, read the chapter and answer the comprehension questions. 60%
Second, write a summary of the chapter following the guidelines. 20%. Third, create 5 questions about the chapter you are curious about. Information you want to know more about. 20%.

Ch 6 Canal Fever
 questions due today
 1. Which two rivers would be easiest to connect? And what would that accomplish? 2pts
 2. Congress offered the states free "right of way" through public lands. Why was this a "bonanza" to midwest states but not the east states? 2 pts
 3. Explain how Indiana got into debt connecting Lafayette to Terre Haute?2pts
 4. Why was an artificial canal built from Terre Haute to Evansville instead of using the wabash river? 3 reasons, 1 pt each
 5. When the state ran out of money to finish the canal coming into Evansville, how was the last mile built? 1 pt
6. How much was the canal used before it was closed? 1 pt
 7. What transportation system replaced canals? 1 pt

Monday, October 22, 2012

Haunted Indiana Project

Spooky Stuff is all over Indiana...ghosts, unsolved murders, poltergeists, vengeance. 
You will identify a tale, research the evidence, and provide a creepy school-wide display. 
Your story must be approved by teacher and be sensitve to any living survivors.
You may work in teams of 2 or by yourself.
Use your evsc blogger site to post your research and receive teacher comments.
Compile your pictures, notes, diary entries into an Open Office Writer document.
You should prepare to fill up 6 pages with sections of information.
You must cover: Who is the suspect?  Who is the victim? What is the story?  what is the setting?  What is the location?  What was the motive?  What is the evidence?
Who were the witnesses?  What was the public sentiment or opinion?
You will display these documents evidence-style in a school locker on Oct 30. 

Only one team to a creepy story -


Friday, October 12, 2012

Guess Who in Indiana?

Rules of the Game:
Players have a rack of 24 pictures of people.  Each player picks a secret person.  Each player asks "yes" or "no" questions to guess the other's secret person.

We are going to create a version of the game using famous people from Indiana.  Our version will include facts about the Hoosiers that players can also use to ask questions.

Each student will develop game elements for 4 Hoosiers.  Each Hoosier should represent a different category:  Sports, Entertainment, Politics, Business, Military, and Science. 

Students may not duplicate each others' choices.  Students will claim Hoosiers by posting name of Hoosier on Board.  

1.  Rough draft due Tuesday, 10-16.  For each of the 3 Hoosiers: provide a photo, sized to fit the game rack; provide a "cheat" sheet of 10 important facts about each Hoosier.  This can not be copy/pasted from another source.  Text must be written in students' own words.  (10 points each Hoosier)
2. Final version due Thursday, 10-18.  Make revisions on rough draft as suggested.  Format another photo and the 10 facts to fit into a "baseball" card version    (10 points per Hoosier)
3.  Play Day: Monday, 10-22.  Teams will play against each other during one half of the period, if at least 24 Hoosiers have been turned in. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Taste of the World

Where does Indiana get its food?

In Class: From your list of foods you enjoy, on a world map
  1. plot what country the food originated from
  2. and where it is imported from today
Why don't we grow that food here?  What is specialization?  Why doesn't the US "just keep all the foreigners" out?

Homework: Use the sample interview form to ask an older person about foods from decades past.

Lesson from

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Student Blogs

Nature Topics: Create 10 posts about nature in Indiana.  For example, post a photo of a natural item and write about what it is and where you found it. Or, find a news story about nature in Indiana and make a link to it and write about why this is important.


Business History Topics:  Create 1 post summarizing your connection to the early history of Evansville from what you read in How a City Founded to Make Money Made It. 


Thursday, September 13, 2012

History Club: History of Evansville

The Economic and Business History of Evansville, lndiana
by Ed Klingler
Published by the University of Evansville

Your first reading assignment is to read pages 1-21.  Here are discussion questions that we will go over together.  Be ready to answer.  You will be called on.  You do not have to write the answers down to turn them in. You will be graded on whether or not you can answer when you are called on. 

Who are the famous people in Ch 1 and what makes them so special?
Why is the Cumberland Gap important to the migration of pioneers?

How was the site for Evansville was picked?
What was Hugh McGary like?  Would you have like him?

How close was Evansville to being the capital of Indiana?
Explain the counties around Evansville -- Which ones was Evansville a part of before Vanderburgh?
What were the first businesses in Evansville?  Why would these businesses be needed before others?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Nature: What is the Most Endangered Life in Indiana and What Can We do About It?

Search News websites to find out information regarding endangered species or environmental problems in Indiana. This could be either a plant or animal or something that affects us all.  Prepare to summarize the story and persuade the rest of class to join you in a campaign to bring attention to this problem.  Summaries may be a simple speech, a video, a letter, a power point,  in any format you wish.  Rubric will be available for the grade.

Checklist: authentic topic, facts on why we should care about the issue, why it is a problem, efforts to save/fix the problem, what you suggest we as a class do.  

Summaries will be presented in the second half of class on Wednesday.

Here are a few ideas to get you going.  
Natural Heritage of Indiana website

Indiana Endangered


Blue-Green Algae contamination in Indiana Lakes

 Bobcat in Indiana

 Indiana Bat slideshow


Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Project on Teamwork and Leadership

Please post your comments concerning our introductory project, Indiana Puzzle Book.
The main objective of this lesson was for students to learn how and know how to work together in a group.

Answer these questions:
Did your group assign roles -- writer, leader, etc?
Did your group assign tasks (certain pages to certain people)?
Should the class do another project together soon?
Should teachers assign groups or allow you to pick groups?

In what ways did your group work well together?
In what ways did your group NOT work well together?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Indiana Puzzle Book

Pages are posted on the closet doors.  Please do not write on these copies. 

This is an introductory lesson on Indiana.  The main purpose of the assignment is for you to develop team-building skills, so that we can plan and attend field trips.   We need to host fundraisers to cover the cost of bus and admission. 

Team Building Tips:
  1. Assign roles for each person on the team.
  2. Who will write the answers down on the team scoring sheet?
  3. Who will assign puzzles to the other team members? 
  4. Will you work in pairs or by yourself to do puzzles? 
  5. Who will check each other's work?
  6. If you are confused, do you try to find an answer within your own group first?
  7. Which team is going to complete the assignment first?

Remember: Just being right won't make people follow you.